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There! On the horizon!

I realize that today’s update reveals almost as little as Monday’s title page but did you really expect to learn a lot from the very first strip? It’s hard for me to talk casually about things because I’ve got about 30 of the estimated 60 strips for this series done. I already know where things are headed and I’m very excited about sharing those things with you… it’ll just take time. But with a MWF schedule you guys’ll be up to speed in no time.

For now, read back through the original race and pay attention. I CAN tell you that in the coming weeks there will be callbacks to that series as well as new revelations about the past. So read that and also enjoy this little bonus image of Bunny as Robocop. This was fun to do and I’d love to flesh out a full body drawing. Eventually.

That’s it! See you guys on Friday!

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