Meet the employees of Cranium Office Supply. Al, Tim, Jason, Rob, Ashley, Coretta and Anna will show you what it's like to deal with stupid people... all... day... long.
I Have a Nosy Neighbor
Cleaning up the house last week, I found a couple of comics that I had started and not finished. All of them had to do with our trip to Seattle last June. So, before I go off and do anything else, I thought I would finish these couple comics.So, I have a nosy neighbor. My neighborhood, for the most part is pretty quiet. Except the guy across the street. You can not go outside without this man tracking you down for an unwanted 20 minute conversation. In spite of last week’s post, I am actually a pretty private person. Crazy strangers tracking me down every time I go outside is not something I look forward to.
True story, he almost made us not buy our house. I think it was the first time we met him while looking at the house, he came up to us. I won’t go into any of the exact things he said, but he prefaced it with I’m not a racist or anything... I have a quick rule – If you have to say I’m not a racist or anything before saying something, you probably shouldn’t say it. Also, you may be a racist.
More Seattle next week...