Joe Loves Crappy Movies is by Joseph Dunn. Joe willingly goes to see the very worst that Hollywood has to offer. Whenever a crappy movie comes out Joe will be there to see it, make fun of it, and actually review it. Nothing is safe, and nothing is sacred. From the big budget action disasters to the low brow fart based comedies, to anything starring Martin Lawrence? Joe will tear it apart.
With each entry you'll get not only a comic poking fun at the movie, but also a detailed review. Joe's not educated in film or cinematography or acting, he's just a guy that draws comics and likes movies. So if you're looking for the everyman perspective and a little joke in comic form... you're in the right place.
Released: 7/15/05
Viewed: 5:30pm 7/15/05
Starring: Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Christopher Walken, Rachel McAdams
Directed by: David Dobkin
People are freaking out over this movie. The comedy smash of the summer? I guess so, since the closest thing we've had to a comedy so far was Rebound. The movie is entertaining, but far from the comedy juggernaut critics are making it out to be. There were tons of hard earned laughs, but when they're surrounded by awkwardness, or the overwhelming feeling that they're just trying to hard, who cares?
Vaughn and Wilson are superb, although a little old for the rolls. Every aspect of the movie seemed to point towards the leads being late 20-somethings. As Vaughn charmingly improvises his way into a bridesmaid's bed, you can hear how many packs of cigarettes he smokes a day. The crows feat wrinkling around Wilson's eyes make you wonder if it's the on set of time, or a result of too much bas ass squinting on the set of Starsky and Hutch. They jokingly point out a couple of times in the movie, that they're not exactly spring chickens, but the actors playing the girls they woo have got to be 10 years younger. It's not a big deal but it's there.
Regardless, they are brilliant as fast talking charming low lives that live for the wedding season. Free food, free booze, and vulnerable willing beauties are at their disposal. It's every man's dream, really. As low lives the pair are endlessly entertaining. Doing whatever it takes to seal the deal, these seasoned pro's of the con game introduce us to tactics and strategies to manipulate the situation. Back stories, balloon animals, Oprah's book club. It's all hysterical and presented on screen in the montage to end all montages. Bravo.
But when the boys fall for their targets we're revealed to the softer sweeter side. And that's where the movie slows down. And I think it's because the con slows down. There's still a lot of fast talking charm but instead of outrageous lies about all the men that you lost in the French Foreign Legion, the boys clean up their act and make a play for the young beauties. It was necessary for the audience to get behind them. To get on their side. As big an ass as they made the rival boyfriend, if the hero's were still dirty rotten liars, we never would have backed them up in the end. But scaling them back took out a lot of their charm.
It was as if all of the sudden the genre changed from "balls to the walls comedy" to "romantic comedy". There's nothing wrong with that, but you could almost draw a line down the break. They do pepper the sweet side with intense over the top humor, but who among us hasn't gotten a hand job at the dinner table with your girlfriends entire family sitting around you. Sigh ? that old chestnut. I'm kidding. It's insane some of the stuff they toss in there, but when the characters motives and priorities have taken such a shift? you notice.
The movie meanders on and we see the characters struggle with love. It's an interesting story. Sweet but not overly romantic that it ostracizes it's target audience. It's paced all wrong in the third act though. Time flies by in huge chunks after the bulk of the movie took place in what seemed like a weekend (it's never specified). There's nothing wrong with a jump in time, but in the closing moments of a movie we need structure, not chaos.
Still the finally is believable, and funny. Although who would crash a wedding wearing a wedding dress?
There's still plenty of laughs. Tons in fact. There were more then a few times where I couldn't hear the dialogue because I, or the audience, were laughing uncontrollably. And while a lot of those laughs were right on target (seriously, whoever has that painting of Vaughn, is the man) there were more then a few times where the laughs felt forced. Do we really need the crazy old grandma that curses, and is kind of a homophobe? Did it need to be the lady from the Wedding Singer? Haven't we seen her out of her element before?
But I'm being too hard. The level of comedic quality here far outweighs the negative counterparts. Most of it comes right out of delivery. Vaughn and Wilson are so fast and whip smart. I wonder how much was scripted, and how much was captured by turning on the camera and letting them improvise. But this is nothing new. We all know that these guys are charming and witty. It was nice to see them deliver well, but they've both been better.
Walken is wasted. There was a nice little narrative they had going where he and Wilson were bonding. If they had followed through with that, it not only would have been a great theme for the movie, but also would have given Walken more to do. He's got a couple of sweet scenes with Rachel McAdams, but to have him as a background element is almost insulting. Have they seen any of the 50 movies he's done? Use what you got.
I enjoyed the objects of their affection. Not only McAdams and Isla Fisher who were both funny and easy on the eyes, but also the parade of brides maids that we're treated to in the beginning of the film. So cute that you start writing down their tips on how to crash a wedding and successfully seduce a bridesmaid. Sadly, it was dark and my notes were gibberish.
During all the previews this movie always felt generic. It always looked like the real guys up there. I felt like I was watching the resulting film of a failed reality series starring Vaughn and Wilson. Like, this is what they would be doing anyway. It never felt special. But there are enough laughs here for me to recommend it. 6 out of 10 This is not nearly as funny as recent efforts from similar creators. Anchorman, Dodgeball, and Starsky and Hutchwere all movies with better structure, laughs, and entertainment value. But there are some real laughs here not to be ignored.
DVD worthy?: I'm going back and forth. It's the sort of thing, where I'll say no now, having left the movie an hour ago, but when it comes out on DVD I'll remember how funny stuff was, and want to see it again. So I wouldn't be surprised if 5 months from now it's on my shelf.
If you liked this movie check out : Old School
Come on, Old School rocks. That movie is littered with awesomeness. Sure Crashers does have a great guest spot by Will Ferrell but he's certainly not Frank the Tank.
Trailer Hitch: The 40 Year Old Virgin
There was a lot to choose from but I choose The 40 Year old Virgin because it related pretty well to Wedding Crashers. I can see it being the same sort of humor. Same sort of movie. Lest formal perhaps. Plus it has Steve Carrell. He's seriuously one of the funniest guys out there, but I'm nervous how he'll be as the lead. He's great in ever supporting performance he does, but carrying a movie is a completely different monster. Good or bad, I'll be there. The man is too funny to ignore.

Joe – The creator of the strip who has embraced giving crappy movies the chance they deserve. Like the majority of the cast he’s obsessed with boobs.
First Appearance - The Introduction
Yeo – Yeo is Joe’s wife and often the voice of reason in the strip. Having her act rational allows the rest of the cast to embrace being in a comic strip which primarily involves randomly punching people, interacting with fictional characters and talking about boobs. Yeo is smart, beautiful and way too good for Joe. Don’t tip her off.
First Appearance - Fever Pitch
Irv – Joe’s movie-going sidekick who’s always down for watching Jason Statham crescent moon kick some thug through a plate glass window and getting some drinks before after and during a Vin Diesel movie. Like the majority of the cast he’s obsessed with boobs.
First Appearance - Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior
Agent 337 George Jones – A government Agent that took over for Joe after he was bad-mouthing President Bush in the V for Vendetta strip. George ran the show for over a month bring a much needed sense of patriotism and justice to both the strips and reviews. He eventually got too attached to his work, empathizing with Joe’s plight to give crappy movies a fair shake. In a way he came to love crappy movies as well and was pushed out of the position. He spiraled out of control and ended up in prison. His adventures will be told in the limited series JLCM Presents: 337 Locked Up which is set to début Christmas of 09.
First Appearance - V for Vendetta
Other Notable Appearances: Stay Alive, Ice age 2, Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector, Slither, Here Comes Guest week, Let’s Go To Prison
Leonidas – The former king of Sparta who has traveled into the future and is having trouble coping with the modern times. Yelling loudly and kicking people into giant holes doesn’t really work the same way it did in the olden days. As time as gone by he’s adjusted but it’s a safe bet that he’s always one bad message away from throwing a spear through someone.
First Appearance - 300
Other Notable Appearances: Four Brothers, Strip# 300, The Golden Compass, Rambo, Untraceable, The Ladies of Max Paybe
Palpatine – Former Senator, Emperor of the Galactic Empire, Sith Lord... He shows up in the Joe Loves Crappy movies galaxy on occasion to let people know that they’re being stupid. No one’s really sure how he shows up in this universe but chances are it breaks all kinds of copywrite laws.
First Appearance - Episode III: The Dark Side
Other Notable Appearances: Four Brothers, Night Watch, Saw 3, Are We Done Yet
Slow Billy – Billy is a sweet kid but he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. If you’re watching him for the day be prepared to explain to him the plot of the movie or how popcorn works or, not so much where babies come from, but what babies are. He’s a complete moron.
First Appearance - Four Brothers
Other Notable Appearances: The Chronicles of Narnia, The Da Vinci Code, Vantage Point, Journey to the Center of the Earth
Kyle the Movie Snob – Be careful what fun facts about movies you tell your friends at a friendly gathering or in line for the latest blockbuster, because if you’re even slightly wrong, Kyle will be more than happy to let you know. He usually gets what’s coming to him though. Poor guy has cracked three ribs since joining the JLCM cast.
First Appearance - Ultraviolet
Other Notable Appearances: 16 Blocks, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End, Transformers, Journey to the Center of the Earth
Jean-Luc Picard – Another lawsuit waiting to happen is Jean Luc Picard who, towards the end of the strip’s first year, became the go-to background character. If there was ever a seat to fill or a random person to place wandering around in the background, nine times out of ten it was Picard. While Picard has crossed paths with Irv he and Joe have never met. Perhaps they will some day but for now just can an eye on the background.
First Appearance - The Producers
Other Notable Appearances: I’m not telling you, that’s no fun. It’ like Where’s Waldo – go find him!
Ice Cream Sandwich – Delicious and… deadly? Usually when you see someone eating an Ice Cream sandwich, someone else is experiencing a substantial amount of pain. Still, how nice is an ice cream sandwich on a hot summer day?
First Appearance - Saw IV
Other Notable Appearances: Bee Movie, Run Fatboy Run, Saw V