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E3 Rumors
I don't know about you guys, but I love hearing videogame rumors. And they're never more abundant than they are right before E3. They don't always turn out to be true, but it's always fun for seeing what could be and this year is no exception. Here's my take on some of the rumors I've heard recently...The Kojima Kountdown Klock. As of this writing, there's less than a day left on the clock so by the time you read this, you'll know I was probably wrong (or possibly another countdown has taken it's place!). Doesn't everyone love a countdown? From New Year's Eve to the Final Countdown, the Kojima Productions went up a couple of weeks ago and is just as intriguing. While the smart money is on announcement of another Metal Gear, I think that may be a misdirection. It seems like Kojima likes to release new Metal Gear games on progressively better platforms and since there are no new consoles on the horizon, I'm not sure we'll see another Metal Gear. Perhaps a new franchise all together?
The PS3 slim. I'm not sure this one is true. I know that there have been pictures and a cease and desist order, but I just can't see Sony dropping a new model on the gaming public just yet. Sure they need to move more units and a redesigned, slim and cheaper to produce unit would help them do that... but exactly how much cheaper is plastic compared to the current finish of the PS3? Certainly not the 100 or so bucks that most people would like to see shaved off of the console's retail price. But I could be wrong...
The Zune Phone. The handheld market is dominated by Nintendo's DS and newly released DSi, with Sony's PSP in second place and Apple's iPhone gathering momentum as a viable gaming platform. Could Microsoft try to muscle their way into the handheld market like they did the console and PMP markets? Maybe, but probably not at E3. If anything, a show like CES would be a better place to debut something like a Zune phone, even if it has gaming capabilities.
Capcom's mysterious second E3 game announcement. We already know that the first game that Capcom teased a while back is a US version Tatsunoko vs Capcom for the Wii. But what's the second? I think it'll be a revival of an already existing franchise. Bionic Commando got the revival treatment this year and Capcom's heavy hitters (Street Fighter and Resident Evil) have had high profile sequels released this year. So what's it going to be? I'm going to go out on a limb and say Captain Commando. We haven't seen the good Captain in a while and with the rerelease of Marvel Vs Capcom 2, which features Captain Commando as a playable character, it'd be a good time to release a game featuring the former flagship character... perhaps with a four-player co-op campaign?
As for what I hope E3 will bring... I hope that Nintendo announces their next big game, but they'll probably just announce another piece of hardware with a "game" bundled with it. I think we're all hoping that Sony will announce a price cut on their prohibitively expensive console. And finally, I hope that Microsoft will announce something a little more innovative than they have the past couple of years... relying on established franchises was a great way to build a userbase, but taking on a little risk and putting out something new would be beneficial for the entire industry.
Player Two

First Appearance: Another Videogame Webcomic?!? An Introduction
Player One

First Appearance: Bonus Stage! Here comes Player One!
Damsel I. Distress

First Appearance: LittleBIGPlanet
Final Boss

First Appearance: World Record
John Minion

First Appearance: Watchmen: The End is Nigh
Middle Manager

First Appearance: Another Videogame Webcomic?!? An Introduction