Have you ever wanted to work in video games? Well that's what the guys at GameBizCo Inc. do. Literally.
Join the cast of Another Videogame Webcomic as we peek behind the curtain to see what exactly goes into bringing your favorite video games to the small screen. It may be a job in video games, but it's still a job.
Fake things made real

The sweet science isn't what it used to be. It's hard to make a buck as a boxer and even one as famous as Little Mac, who TKOed Mike Tyson back in '87, has to resort to selling his personal belongings to make ends meet...
That is, of course, if Little Mac was an actual boxer and not a video game character from the classic NES game, Mike Tyson's Punch Out. But the signed boxing glove
on Amazon.com is all too real. Ninety bucks real. One has to wonder, in these troubling economic times, is there really a market for such memorabilia? Who would buy such a thing?
Well, wonder no more because you're looking at him. (Or as much as one can look at someone through the internet... which I suppose is actually possible with a webcam of some sort.) I admit it. I'm a complete sucker for, what I like to call, "real things made to look like fake things from movies, tv shows or video games"... or I guess most people would just call them prop replicas. In my collection, I have a pussy wagon keychain from Kill Bill (that one was a gift... I'm not sure I would have the balls to buy that on my own) and a full set of Squishee cups from 7-11 back when the Simpsons movie came out (Slurpee cups are another thing I'm a complete sucker for).
Video game prop replicas are realtively new to me though. After all, most all of the games we play take place in some far off land of mysticism or high tech sorcery that makes producing replicas of anything in those worlds an arduous endeavor. Not that people haven't tried. If you find yourself in a comic or anime convention, I'm sure you can find a vendor who specializes in making replica keyblades from the Kingdom Hearts series or Wolverine's claws from X-men. Or the more industrious of you out there can make your own Portal gun.
But if you're like me, you'll want the real deal. The official replicas from the source, not some fan (albeit extremely well) made prop made in someone's basement or garage. If you think a 90 dollar boxing glove (just one! Not even a pair!) is expensive, then check out the replica clothing line from the Resident Evil series. Do I really need Resident Evil 4 "assault pants" for 12,600 yen or the equivalent of 127 US dollars? Need? Probably not. Want? Well, maybe not that either. But the Leon S. Kennedy bomber jacket? Or the Albert Wesker parka? Sure, why not? I like to stay warm and look like I'm ready to take on zombies at a moments notice in the winter months.
Luckily, my lack of disposable income and (much, much later) my common sense stops me from buying all of the items listed above. Most of the props don't have a practical use, save for the use of being a conversation piece. (And by conversation piece, I mean people saying to me "why the hell would you buy something like that?") So why is it I still want them? I suppose it's an extension of the same reason I, or anyone, plays games in the first place... to escape to another world, to get wrapped up in the story or visceral thrill of being someone else. Or maybe it's to get just a little bit closer to the games we love? Or maybe it's just because I want to throw a batarang
at someone...

Player Two

After the resurgence of multiplayer co-op, GameBizCo Inc. hired Player Two to be the Goose to someone else's Maverick. His workload isn't quite as heavy as most of the other people working at GameBizCo Inc. and as a result, he spends a lot of time in the break room or playing computer solitaire.
First Appearance: Another Videogame Webcomic?!? An Introduction
Player One

Player One is top dog at GameBizCo Inc. Nearly every game, from Pong to Mario Bros to Grand Theft Auto, requires Player One's expertise. His cocksure and sometimes inappropriate attitude is an annoyance to his coworkers but seeing as every game needs a first player, they make due.
First Appearance: Bonus Stage! Here comes Player One!
Damsel I. Distress

Whether it be a castle, a dungeon or mystical island, Damsel always needs to be saved... and she hates it. Damsel longs for the day when she's given the role of a strong female lead character who doesn't have huge breasts with hyper accurate physics.
First Appearance: LittleBIGPlanet
Final Boss

Underneath the huge brute that is Final Boss lies a timid creature who wouldn't hurt a fly. He puts on his "angry face" when throwing barrels down ramps or breathing fire but deep down he feels sorry for doing so. He's been known to throw a game or two in the player's favor.
First Appearance: World Record
John Minion

John Minion, or Min for short, is the hardest working employee at GameBizCo Inc. Playing everything from Goombas to no name thugs, Min gets beat up on a daily basis but loves every minute of it. He always wanted to work in the gaming industry and was originally hired as an intern. After years of getting coffee, his big break came when someone called in sick... and the rest is history.
First Appearance: Watchmen: The End is Nigh
Middle Manager

Middle Manager works in the Human Resources department. He runs staff meetings and interviews prospective employees. The other 90% of his time is spent playing Freecell on his computer.
First Appearance: Another Videogame Webcomic?!? An Introduction