February 17, 2005 - Slowly robot dancing up the line

Because of last week's news post and the support of hardcore Digital Pimp fans, we've slowly been climbing up the Buzz and Top Web lists. No major jumps but progress for sure. Those of you who voted have our whole-hearted thanks.

To inspire further upward climbing we've changed the incentive again. Click to vote at Buzz, Top Web or both to get a peek at our beloved Digital pimp robot (featured on our posters and stickers) doing the robot dance!

The design was going to be the next Digital Pimp t-shirt, but we decided it wasn't clear enough that the robot was doing the robot. Not a complete failure, but not T-shirt worthy. Back to the drawing board. But we still thought it would be fun for the Pimp fans to see. So cast your vote and have a look!

And if you missed the last incentive, feast your eyes on it now! Would you like this image as a sticker? Would you pay 25 cents for it? Speak up and it can happen. Thanks everyone. Have a fantastic Thursday.