February 4, 2005 - We've had Joe and monkey, but what about Beaver and Steve?

Ok, today's the last day of fan art week. It's been a great week with some really great creators that have been very welcoming to the fan art Joe has done. A special thanks to days 1 through 4 Theater Hopper, Between the Panels, Butternutsquash, and Yirmumah!

But it's not over yet! Today we have fan art for Beaver and Steve. Beaver and who? We hadn't heard of this strip either until about a week ago. But it's brilliant. Off the wall craziness at it's best. Joe named this as his hands down favorite web comic find of the last 6 months. Head over to Beaver and Steve and check it out.

To check out all the fan art from this week and Joe's thoughts on the pieces, go to this thread.

So that's it. It's over. Or is it!? Joe says he can't stop and has one more in him that MUST be done. And that is for Adventures in Retail. Kevin Gleason over at Crossroads has been a constant supporter of Digital PIMP. Big fan, big friend. Here are some examples of that in the fan art he's done for us.

What's even more is that he's making some really awesome comics. Adventures in Retail is better then ever in it's current 24 themed story arch. And his print comic Just another name #2 was recently released and it is awesome as well. Head over to Crossroads comics right now to check out his stuff. then come back here on Tuesday to check out Joe's fan art for it.

Maybe Monday.

Depends on if the Eagles win.