Welcome to Digital Pimp Online. You've come by on a big week. We have a few fun things going on and we hope you stick around to check them out.
Joe has been very busy in preparation for "Fan Art Week", a week where each day he'll show us a piece of fan art he's done for his favorite online comics. 5 strips over the next 5 days, with five original pieces of art. Joe's motivation is to reach out to other communities while at the same time expose our community here to some kick ass comics. The kind of comics that we read, love and are inspired by.
Today's fan art belongs to Theater Hopper. One of our favorites here. Tom over at Theater hopper has been a very good friend to the pimps so take some time to read through his archives. You wont regret it. For more details on the story behind the fan art, head to this thread
on our message boards.
Joe's also got a little contest going on with Free Lunch. Recently in the strip, the character Irv expressed that he was looking forward to watching a crappy movie. As his friends lay unconscious in the kitchen, he's watching that movie. Based on the dialogue in today's strip, what movie is he watching?
What's up for grabs in this contest? Original art raffled off to one lucky fan. And to anyone that enters, even if you're right or wrong, access to the first ever Free Lunch desktop image. Here is a smaller version just to whet your appetite.
Head to this thread on our board for the official rules on the contest, and how to enter and play. And for tomorrow and the rest of the week... more comics, more fan art, and more surprises.