A special hello to everyone coming in from PV comics and all over the web! Since the announcement yesterday we've had quite a few extra visitors and we wanted to further extend our
welcome to you. Have a look around, there are plenty of comics to read. Drop as an e-mail or swing by our message boards and let us know what you think.
Today, Joe wanted to show all the new and old fans of Free Lunch and Matriculated some stuff he worked on over the weekend. These two pieces were done for advertising purposes, but if there were enough interest we would happily make them into posters. Then all our fans can enjoy the glory of Digital pimp comics thumbtacked to their walls or hermetically sealed in a plastic bag to be sold at a later date on ebay to pay for their children's college educations.
Go to this thread or contact Joe directly at joe@digitalpimponline.com and let him know what you think.