February 27, 2009 - Matriculated Artist's Edition and JLCM Tour Cards

Digital Pimp is proud to announce the Matriculated Artist's Edition. It's the same old Matriculated book collecting the first year of your favorite group of collegiate class avoiders except with a sketch and signature from the creators (Joe and Phil) on the inside. For only 3 dollars more you can get your copy of Matriculated: First Semester personalized with a signature and drawing of your favorite character on the opening page. I mean... we try to sign the copies as they go out anyway, but rarely has a sketch made it in. This time you can make sure it does and you can make sue it's not one of Jeremy. Eww right? When ordering the book make sure you don't forget to let us know which character you prefer in the comments section.

We're also launching the first of the JLCM tour cards available online. There are 20 copies of this limited run still available and we wanted to open it up to people that didn't get a chance to pick them up at New York Comic Con last month. The image features Joe and Yeo as King Kong and Faye Ray, scaling the Empire State Building with biplanes buzzing around. This is the first of a series of 7 cards so collectors wanting to get the full set should jump on them while they're still around and the price is still cut in half.