October 23, 2008 - Seesawing for Breast Cancer

The current Matriculated storyline features Rebecca on a seesaw. She’s there as part of a fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness. We’ve not really discussed this specifically in the strip but I’ve tried to toss in a pink ribbon or two to drop the hint.

The Seesaw-a-thon is something based on a real event that Phil remembers form his college. The Sororities and Fraternities would seesaw for days in order to help raise money and promote awareness for Breast Cancer during the month of October, which is of course Breast Cancer month.

Doing the new storyline based around this very serious setting, we got to talking and thought there might be a way where we could do our part. We’ve put up a special wallpaper, available in various sizes for the donation of ANY amount of money, and every cent of that will go directly to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. We’re realistic that this will only be a drop in the bucket of an ocean-sized problem, but every little bit counts and doing something is better than doing nothing at all.

We know that times are tight which is why we put no minimum on the donation, just give what you can, get a kick ass pick of Rebecca on a seesaw for your desktop and help some folks at the same time. We’ve done enough boob jokes around these parts that we should be doing all we can to make sure boobs across the world stay healthy and safe for a very long time.

We’ll be adding at least one more desktop before the event is over so be sure to check back before next week’s regularly scheduled update.