December 3, 2007 - Triple Feature Give Away!

We're doing something a little different on tonight's Triple Feature. We've got a copy of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End to give away and we're going to have an on air contest. The DVD will go to the winner of our first trivia contest featuring questions based on At World's End.

It's a little different but it'll be fun.

You can listen to the contest for free but to participate you have to sign up for a Talkshoe ID. Don't freak out, it's easy and spam free. Then once you're set up you can call into play and win.

So let's go over it, Sign up for a Talkshoe account. Bone up on your Pirates facts. Tune in tonight at 10pm EST. And finally - blow us away with your mad Pirate movie knowledge. Easy as pie. Mmmm pie.