July 31, 2005 - Nothing nice about these guys.

This weeks Free Lunch has three very special guest stars. All can be found in the pages of Nothing Nice to Say by Mitch Clem. Mitch just wrapped up a great story arc where these angry fans took over the comic and made it the way they wanted. It's every angry fans dream, and every creator's nightmare. It wrapped up brilliantly though. A classic ending that anyone who grew up in the 80's can appreciate.

Mitch himself is in the last panel there, as he and Joe prepare to unleash hell. What is meant by "The Coffee achievers, is this. The project both are working on is about to relaunch. Expect a full announcement later this week. As Coffee Achievers prepares the relaunch, it does so as part of a larger comic community called Boxcar comics. Boxcar is the brain child of Zach Miller from Joe and monkey. We wish much success to the new company that is boasting some of the best web comic talent on the face of the planet. A full list when Boxcar launches this week.

But in the meanwhile, go read Nothing Nice to Say.