July 7, 2005 - Easiest guest strip ever, a pimping review, and webcomics united!

Joe has another guest strip under his belt. But in a surprise turn of events... he didn't draw it! It's true, the insane mind behind Free Lunch was asked by Mitch Clem, the insane mind behind Nothing Nice To Say, to write a guest strip he was doing for Rob and Elliot. Joe was as shocked as you are.

After 24 hours of the two agonizing over trying to come up with fresh and original, Mitch and Joe agreed that they were both overworked and out of ideas. But when the well is dry, there's always... your mom. Swing by Rob and Elliot to check out the first official Mitch Clem/Joe Dunn collaboration. As well as 100 pretty damn good strips from Clay and Hampton.

For more Joe and Mitch fun check out a sneak preview of the relaunch of The Coffee Achievers! If you've been in outer space for the past few weeks, Joe has taken over the art duties for Mitch's critically acclaimed strip. Prepare for your mind to be blown!

You want more? How about a review? Michael Deeley over at Silver Bullet Comic Books wrote up a nice little review of Tales from the Pimp issues 0 and 3. He had lots of love for us, especially our good friends Kevin and Zack who contributed a story to issue 3.

Truth be told, we're a little jealous that Silver Bullet liked Kevin and Zack's story a little better than ours but bringing them together was what it's all about. Bringing together the best guys we could find to add a little something extra special to our issues. Kevin and Zack are amazing talents that need more attention. And we hope to attract more rising stars, like Kevin and Zack, on board for future issues.

For more on Digital Pimp's print comic, Tales from the Pimp, be sure to come visit us at Wizard World Chicago in August! Even better, we joined forces with a small group of webcomic creators so that we could overpower the masses. The Pimps will be seated next to Tom of Theater Hopper, Mitch of Nothing Nice to Say, and Zach of Joe and Monkey. With our very own Kevin of Crossroads Comics right across the aisle!

And the list goes on... want to see what other webcomics creators will be there? Tom has put together a fancy list so you can see everyone involved. Big props to Jerry of Secret of Mana Theater for setting things up. Good man.