Digital Pimp is proud to announce that Free Lunch has gotten the call to move up to the front page over at PVcomics. As a result you will see a format change, and you'll get your strip a day earlier. That's right. Free Lunch will now come out on Sundays. Pretty cool huh?
The first strip in this new era is a dedication to Yirmumah (pronounced ? your momma. Sound it out). Yirmumah is the powerhouse that did fill the Sunday/Monday slot over at PV, but they decided to move on. The strip and it's creators, Bob and DJ, have been such a gigantic inspiration to us. We were sorry to hear about the departure, but excited about the opportunity at the same time. So we did our best version of a "your momma" joke. And yeah ? Fred sucks at them.
So please, enjoy, and have a look through the archives. There's plenty of wacky garbage in there.